Posted by: China | July 24, 2007

The gourds are coming….

It is official: The pumpkin vines have started their planned coup. Mom planted them too close together again and didn’t give them enough room. They’ve outgrown their area of the garden, have taken over the cucumber’s row and are now encroaching on the strawberries

Fortunately, the watermelons are still safe and just might have a chance to produce something. There are two waterelon nubs so keep your fingers crossed! (Mom says to ignore those weeds. They have been removed. 🙂 )

Summer is going along pretty steady. So far we haven’t had any real icky weather, but the back  yard is full of those big horsey flies and they keep biting my butt! I do pretty good catching them though. That’s a little fun.

And to close out this post, here are a couple of pictures of the front flower garden. Go back a few posts to see the ‘before’ pictures and you can tell just how much they’ve grown!

For more flower pics, see Mom’s blog.


  1. Noooooooo, not the PUMPKINS!

  2. we through out soo much fruit every week as a treat to the birds squirrals and rabbits. they love fruit.
    we quit growing it because they would come still the fruit we grew.

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes. You guys have a great garden. It’s really cool.

  4. Wow great edible garden. I am on a diet (again) and I have discovered that strawberries can be found in the garden and are edible. Just a tip. Bermuda grass is also most excellent.

    Your friend on the other coast,
